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Anthony Weiner's Scandals

Anthony Weiner

The Anthony Weiner Sexting Scandal:

He appeared to be on his way to being Mayor of the biggest city in America, after winning his Congressional seat seven times.

Gracie Mansion

He even ran for Mayor of New York City unsuccessfully in 2005, failing to win the Democratic Party nomination. In 2009, he didn't even attempt it when incumbent Mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg gained an extension of term limits and ran and won for a third time.

Michael Bloomberg

So Anthony Weiner looked like a sure shot candidate for New York City Mayor in 2013, based on his experience in Congress and his prior work as a member of the New York City Council.

But he was derailed in 2011 in a sexting scandal. On May 27th of that year, Weiner used his public Twitter account to send a link to a sexually suggestive photograph of him to a woman who'd been following him on Twitter.

Anthony Weiner sexting photos

Weiner spent several days denying he'd posted the links, then fessed up and said he'd exchanged messages and explicit photos with a half dozen women over three years.

Anthony Weiner

He also apologized for his earlier denials.

By June 16, 2001, Wiener announced his resignation from Congress to hoots and catcalls.

Then, in 2013, a second scandal erupted after Weiner returned to politics in his mayoral run. Under the unlikely politician alias of "Carlos Danger", Weiner was accused of sending explicit photos to a 22 year old woman as late as April 2013, more than a year after leaving Congress.

Anthony Weiner on the cover of the New York Daily News

To the surprise of some, Weiner's politically devastating indiscretions had little public effect on his marriage. He became engaged to Huma Abedin, a longtime aide to Hillary Clinton, in May 2009.

Anthony Weiner with his wife and son

They married in July 2010 in a ceremony officiated by former President Bill Clinton and had a son, Jordan, in December 2011.

It remains to be seen whether the electorate will be as understanding, should he try to run for public office again.

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